10 Things to Do Every Day with Your Dog

Dogs are a part of the family, and just like with any other member of the family, you should make sure to spend time with them every day.

Here are 10 things that you can do every day with your dog to keep them happy and healthy!

one tired dog after a walk

1. Go for a walk

Every day, you should take your dog for a walk. Walking is good for both of you - it's a chance for your dog to explore and use up some energy, and it's a chance for you to get some fresh air and exercise. You can make the walk even more enjoyable by varying your route, trying out new parks or trails, and playing games with your dog along the way. If you don't have time for a long walk, even a short stroll around the block will do wonders for your bond with your canine bestie! So get out there and enjoy the world with your four-legged companion!

Feeling fit? Running with your dog is a great way to get in a workout while spending quality time together. If you have an active lifestyle, chances are your dog does too - so go ahead and hit the pavement for a happy dog, a healthy life and a great way to curb weight gain for both of you!

dog plays with tug toy

so much fun!

2. Play

Every day, you should spend at least 30 minutes playing with your dog. Not only is this great exercise for your cuddly pup, but it's also essential for their mental stimulation. Dogs are incredibly smart animals, and they need to be kept challenged in order to stay happy and healthy. Playing with your pup is the perfect way to do this. There are tons of different games you can play, from fetch to hide-and-seek. And there's no need to spend much money - a simple game of tug-of-war with an old sock or playing fetch with a tennis ball will keep your dog entertained for hours. So make sure to set aside some time each day to have some fun activities with your four-legged friend.


3. Groom their fur

Although they may not always seem like it, dogs actually enjoy being groomed. It's a chance for them to relax and bond with their owner. And, of course, it's an opportunity to show off their shiny coat! Grooming also helps to remove dirt, debris, and parasites from the fur. It's important to groom your dog every day to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting. But even if you can't do it every day, try to make it part of your weekly routine as good brushing reduces shedding. Your dog will thank you for it!

dog activities to do every day

Groom on a regular basis

back yard clean up

4. Pick up the poop!

A dog poops on average two to five times a day. That's a lot of poop!

While it may not seem like the most glamorous task, it is essential for maintaining a healthy environment. Dog poop can contain harmful bacteria that can spread disease, and it can also attract pests such as flies. Picking up after your dog is not only a courtesy to your neighbours, but it is also an important part of being a responsible pet owner. So the next time you take your dog for a walk, be sure to bring along a pooper scooper!


5. Brush their teeth

Just like humans, your dog needs to brush their teeth every day to maintain good oral health. Luckily, there are plenty of dog-friendly toothbrushes and toothpaste on the market, and most dogs quickly get used to the routine. In addition to brushing their teeth, you should also introduce daily dental chews. These snacks help to remove plaque and tartar build-up, keeping your dog's teeth healthy and strong. Plus, they're a great way to show Fido some extra love. So make sure to add brushing your dog's teeth to your daily routine. Your pup will thank you for it!

brushing dogs teeth for overall health
doggy massage checking for changes

6. Check them out

Every day, take a close look at your pooch from nose to tail. New lumps, bumps, scratches, scabs, or hot spots? Check them out. And don't forget to look inside those ears! Floppy-eared dogs are especially prone to ear infections. Regularly checking your dog all over can help you detect new changes that may need investigating.

In addition to the daily once-over, every week or so give your dog a more thorough examination. Gently feel along your dog's ribs and check for any unusual swelling. If you have a short-haired dog, also check the skin under the coat for bumps or discolouration. Run your hands along your dog's joints to feel for any warmth or swelling, which could be a sign of arthritis or other joint problems. Inspect your dog's nails and paws for any cuts, cracks, splinters, or foreign objects that may be stuck in the pads. Taking care of these things every day and week will help keep your furry friend healthy and happy!

7. Teach them a new trick

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks - we believe this is not true!

Dogs love to learn, and they thrive on the mental stimulation that comes with learning new things. Not only is this great for their mental health, but it can also help to cement the bond between you and your furry friend. When training your dog, be sure to use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or praise. And don't forget to have fun - after all, dogs are known for their infectious enthusiasm! With a little patience and effort, you'll be amazed at how quickly your dog picks up new tricks.

teach your dog

8. Feed them healthy food

Just like people, dogs need to eat healthy food in order to stay strong and active. However, with all of the different types of dog food on the market, it can be tricky to know what to feed your furry friend. One great option is freeze-dried raw dog food. This type of food is made from fresh, natural ingredients and is packed with nutrients that are essential for your dog's health. Plus, freeze-dried raw dog food is easy to store and Mealtime is simply a matter of adding water and waiting a few minutes for the food to rehydrate. So if you're looking for a healthy option for your pup, freeze-dried raw dog food is definitely worth considering.

Healthy food can also help reduce weight gain in dogs plus help with their coat and skin condition! Check out our full range of high-quality dog foods at Lecker Bites here and ensure their food bowl is packed with all the nutrients they need whilst making other dogs green with envy :-)

adult dog obedience training
puppy bowl dog drinking

9. Fresh Water

Just like humans, dogs need to drink plenty of water every day to stay healthy. Our furry friends like to consume fresh water so make sure your dog's bowl is topped up daily.

Adult dogs should have about one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. You should also keep an eye on their water intake during hot weather or when they're exercising heavily, as they may need additional hydration. Be sure to include travel dog bowls and a couple of litres of water if you're travelling for a few hours.

Did you know that at Lecker Bites, we see to it that your pet stays hydrated whilst enjoying the benefits of liver with our nutritious dog drink? We've all been there - out on a walk, your pup gets a little carried away and starts lapping up every puddle in sight. While it's important to let your dog have some fun, it's also important to make sure they stay hydrated. That's why we've developed a delicious dog drink that not only contains water but also includes liver, which is packed with nutrients. So next time you're out on a walk with your four-legged friend, be sure to bring along a bottle of Lecker Bites Dog Drink. Your pup will stay hydrated and happy, and you'll have peace of mind knowing they're getting the nutrients they need.


10. Canine playdates

Dogs are social creatures, so it's important to make sure they have plenty of opportunities to socialise. One great way to do this is to host regular canine playdates at your house. This will give your dog a chance to run and play with their friends, as well as give you an opportunity to meet and chat with other dog owners. When planning a playdate, be sure to choose a time when your dog is full of energy and ready to play. You'll also want to make sure that there is plenty of space for the dogs to run around, and that you have some toys on hand in case they need something to chew on. If you follow these simple tips, you're sure to host a successful canine playdate that everyone will enjoy.


Not all dogs are the same, so it's important to find what works best for your furry best friend. Dogs tend to be happier and healthier when they have a routine, so try to incorporate some or all of these activities into your dog's daily life. Your fur companions will thank you for it! And you'll be amazed at how much fun you have along the way.

doggie play date

Check out our healthy dog food!

Nutritious Dog Drink with freeze-dried beef liver
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Wellness - Chicken Hearts
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Digestion - Tripe Mix - Nature's Superfood
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